5th South Asian Rally
The 5th South Asia Rally, with the slogan”Pride and Performance”by Internatonal Inner Wheel was held on the
26th and 27th of August 2022 at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka for the first tme in Bangladesh The two-day Rally, hosted by Inner Wheel Districts 328 and 345. Inner Wheel friends around the country and across Asia attended the rally. It was a celebraton of friendship.

District Executve Members, IWD 328 at 5th South
Asian Rally in Bangladesh

Shamsunnahar Haque, District Chairman, Zesrina
Haider VCII, with Zenaida Y. Farcon, IIW President & Dilruba Ahmed, Convenor 5th South Asian Rally

Zenaida Y. Farcon, entering the program venue in
Palki (royal carriage of traditonal royal families) atthe Opening Ceremony of 5th South Asian Rally. In Bangladesh

Masters of the Ceremonies, Zesrina Haider and
Farhana’s Qaiyum with the IIW President

District Executve Commitee Members with the Inner
Wheel Dignitaries at the 5th South Asian Rally in Banglades